Review of 6Teen

6Teen (2004–2010)
Great humor, good Canadian show
25 January 2007
I love this show! I didn't start watching it until last year (2006), but my kids and I love to catch it when it's on. It isn't meant for young audiences, that's true, hence the title '6TEEN'. One of the fun elements of the show is that it's Canadian, which is a nice change, and the different personalities of the characters is a good mix. The teens in this show are pretty close friends, guys and girls, which didn't happen when I was in high school. The dating thing always got in the way. I think the way some of the teen girls talk they've hit right on the money, though. I've stood behind girls like that in the mall and it sounds exact. Overall, this show is a good, fun way to spend a half hour of your day.
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