Why anyone would want to add this to their collection is beyond me! Takes place in Austria-1770. A time of superstition and religious persecution. The killing of many innocent people-accusations of witchcraft. The film contains graphic scenes of torture and despite the fact that the film is poorly made and dubbed, the scenes are disturbing. No, I didn't need a barf bag but I certainly did flinch during some of it. The film is foreign made and dubbed in English. The editing and lighting are poor. Oddly enough, the film has a beautiful score and lavish costume's and sets. It's a bit jarring actually. The acting seems mediocre because of the dubbing. I couldn't wait for the film to be over however, I will admit that there is something sort of curious about it. Lousy dubbing but beautiful scenery and that music....a sick, strange film. Don't want to sit through that again.