Chain Reaction (2006 Video)
Ittenbach does it again!
28 October 2006
I've rent this movie in a local videostore. why did I do that. It's a typical Ittenbach movie. Cheezy gore effects, bad acting, and a cheap story. The story is about four prisoners and a doctor who survived a crash.(The doctor's car hit the bus.) They kill the guards who were on that bus an try to run for the boarder.After hours of walking they find this old cabin in the woods. The family in that house speaks an old language (for covering the bad acting), and they act very mysterious. And then the horror part of the movie begins. Unfortunately this part is too short. Watch the bald guy in the movie, it's the German version of Dr. Lecter. If you are a horror fan and looking for a good laugh, maybe this movie will do the trick. If you're looking for a gore movie, there are better films.
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