The Wounded (2003 Video)
An attempted positive message delivered incompetently.
29 October 2006
Other IMDb posted comments of mine have criticised others for unnecessarily deriding a film and often calling it "the worst ever" when it clearly isn't. As I've said before, there are usually worse out there. Really, really bad films....Dudes, this is an example! For everyone who honestly believed that 'Scarred' or 'Beast of Bray Road' was the worst ever - please watch 'The Wounded'! This is the real deal! I'll offer one plus point - the film tries to send out a positive message to young offenders. For that, in all its anti-Nazi, pro-morals preaching, I salute you. Having said which, quite how does a film that also seems to object to gang violence manage to celebrate its heroes surviving BECAUSE they work together AS a violent gang? Messages aside, however, this is incompetent. No production values, no decent choreography of action, the worst sound and cinematography ever and a rambling, poorly edited narrative. Good actors? Half-good actors? No, mate, not even garbage actors. They're worse than that! This is painful to watch. A prison based version of 'Dangerous Minds' that has a rubbish bit of satanic malarkey thrown in at the end. Devoid of atmosphere or tension. Still, DO watch it. Just to prove my point that too many contributors to IMDb are to eager to slate films as the worst ever when they're clearly not.
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