Crowhaven Farm (1970 TV Movie)
The Door Scene
1 December 2006
I asked my husband several weeks ago about this movie. I told him I knew I watched it while I was younger (I'm 43 now) and all I could remember was a scene where they took this woman out on a beautiful day and put a heavy door on her and put big heavy rocks on top of her. It scared me to death, but that is the only scene either of us could remember, but we both remember being terrified of it. I would love to see it again. We had to ask his sister who is sort of a movie buff about it. Again, the only part she knew and remembered was that door scene. To me it reminds me of the clown in the Stephen King movie "It." I can close my eyes and see that clown in the drainage ditch. I don't remember most of the movie, but that scene summoned it all up for me.
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