I haven't watched much TV in recent years, programs have degraded my TV so much I felt it was best to face it towards a corner till it thought about what it had done. Soaps, Reality TV, Bad comedies, Reality TV, Annoying Game shows and Reality TV have saturated the schedules but then this comes along. This is the best Drama/Thriller serial I've seen in ages.
Whats not to like? Ray Liotta being uber cool, Amy Smart being so sexy I have to wipe the steam from the screen,(Thank god I said Steam), Simon Baker and his underlying violent tendencies.
The plots where interesting and exciting, We got a little glimpse into each characters life in each episode while getting down with some grade-A action that even makes most feature films look boring, I'm talking Motor Bike chases, Hummer ram raids, Chainsaw killings, Sniper assassins, High Profile robberies and good old fashioned fist fights.
Whats not to like? Ray Liotta being uber cool, Amy Smart being so sexy I have to wipe the steam from the screen,(Thank god I said Steam), Simon Baker and his underlying violent tendencies.
The plots where interesting and exciting, We got a little glimpse into each characters life in each episode while getting down with some grade-A action that even makes most feature films look boring, I'm talking Motor Bike chases, Hummer ram raids, Chainsaw killings, Sniper assassins, High Profile robberies and good old fashioned fist fights.