Unlike Anything You Will Ever See
26 May 2007
As a huge fan of Chan-wook Park's most widely acclaimed film Oldboy, I can tell you that nothing, NOTHING can prepare you for Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance. As dark, powerful, and mesmerizing as Oldboy is, this film is on such a different level of tragedy and pure human drama that is absolutely unshakable.

I cannot reveal the plot, because watching the story unfold is something unbelievable. At times it's funny, at times odd, at times so immensely heartbreaking and tragic that you won't believe what you are seeing. In this tale of revenge (sought out by multiple characters), there are not true villains or heroes. Each character has their intentions and motives, and we see each of them descend into the darkest facets of human nature.

Chan-wook Park made a film so rich and deeply realized and felt that you you the viewer feels for every single character, flawed as they may be. That goes without saying that the acting is superb across the board. Kang-ho Song (from the recent Korean blockbuster "The Host") is breathtaking and gives a moving performance that one truly has to see to believe. I was pleasantly surprised with Du-na Bae, who created a character so unique that I didn't even make the connection that she was in "The Host" as well. And of course, Ha-kyun Shin's portrayal of a deaf and dumb man is subtle and nuanced in the most mesmerizing way.

The technique used in the film is astounding. The imagery is resonant and unlike anything I have seen before, from the bizarre sequences of disconnect (those who see it will see what I mean) to the hauntingly powerful images. Everything evokes emotion unlike any movie in recent memory.

The brilliant writing, directing, and acting make this unlike anything you have ever seen before. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance is on such a different level than the average film, in every aspect. You won't believe your eyes and, when the credits roll, your heart is broken for every character. Truly, it's a film experience like no other.
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