A Nice Attempt To Lampoon Romero...But.
3 June 2007
I just saw this as a late show recently, and thought it would be a campy,low budgeted satire on campy low budgeted midnight movies. It did start out promising big fun, but ran out of gas fairly early in the proceedings. The film (although it was shot on black & white video) seems to be something of a homage to George A. Romero's 'Living Dead' series, only with a gay theme,which always works with a midnight movie audience (The Rocky Horror Picture Show,or perhaps Pink Flamingos, anyone?). The story concerns a weekend gathering of gay friends for a birthday party for one of the men,which turns horribly wrong as men are turned into flesh eating zombies. The film's gore effects look like something from a Nick Zedd,or perhaps an R.Kern production (ultra low budget make up effects,and looks it). It's obvious this film will appeal to a (mostly)gay audience,and will probably find most of it's screenings at film festivals that gear toward a gay theme (it does feature some cheesy simulated sex scenes that are more funny than erotic). Probably worth a rental for a screening at a video party (depending on the party guests in attendance)
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