Joyce Carol Oates 1950's era novel, Foxfire, is transplanted, unsuccessfully, into the modern age. Girls will still find a lot to like about the story, but it makes more sense in the repressed and repulsing era when sexual abuse was considered a "don't ask, don't tell" kind of an issue, where the girls where the sinners, simply because they were girls. Moving the story to the modern age only serves to take away that depth. As is, Angelina Jolie, Hedy Burress, and Jenny Shimizu are all good in this, with Jolie and Burress making, what could have been, a good couple as Legs and Maddy. The scene where the three take off their tops to get tattoos of a flame from Legs is powerful. It's not about sex or nudity, although their is a lot of the latter, it's about having a mark to identify each other. It's a great scene, most of the scenes with Jolie and Burress are, though the movie isn't quite.