This movies plot if it has one is that 2 guys go to club med for a big adventure and supposedly do have a big adventure there are loads of things wrong with this movie 1: Jim Carrey and Alan Thickes character are supposedly best friends but they only see each other for around 5 minutes 2: for no reason at all every 5 minutes or so they(Random bands) break into song,3: Jim Carreys character says he can't stay himself in front of women so he starts doing impersonations of people like Steve Martin and Sammy Davis Junior?,4. he hops onto a stage with a band on it and talks to them for a while then bursts out singing while they are not happy at him and then they start to like him and he ends up singing around 5 songs and many more. Also at the end he says whats next meaning they've had a big adventure but I would like to believe they had. Overall I would love to like this movie and I will be generous and rate it 31%.
Review of Copper Mountain
Copper Mountain
(1983 TV Movie)
Copper Mountain is an awful movie that I did n't laugh at at all
1 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers