The Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz (1955) **1/2
24 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
My third Luis Bunuel film, and interesting enough, if not as good as the others I've seen so far (EL - ***, and BELLE DU JOUR - ***1/2). In this movie I missed being treated to some of director Bunuel's more representative stylish flourishes, and I didn't know quite what to make out of this erratic story about a laid back type of fellow who keeps getting the urge to murder the various women he encounters, only to have his plan sabotaged always at the last moment. I'm thinking this was intended to be a black comedy, but it didn't strike me as very humorous except in occasional moments. This seems more of a "middle of the road" Bunuel film, based solely on the few I've seen. The ending left me thinking about the female character (which I suspect may be the idea) but when I read the biography of the young actress Miroslava Stern and the circumstances of her premature death just two weeks after completing this film, it sort of gave me a chill... she committed suicide and was cremated. **1/2 out of ****
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