May Dove Canady was a lonely kid. She didn't have friends, since the corrective eye patch she used to wear, made her look strange and bizarre for the other kids. During the years, her social interactions with people was not so different from her childhood, making the doll her mother gave to her, Susy, be her only friend. Susy and May are so close, that May even talks to the doll and apparently listens the doll talk.
When May gets to know Adam, a guy she was attracted to (specially by his hands!) and tries to start a relationship, it doesn't work. He finds her strange, in the end of the romance. Even her lesbian co-worker Polly, who were always flirting with her, disappoints May after some time( not to mention other relationships and people she gets eventually to know). May learns that humans are not perfect, only some 'parts'(literally!) of them are. And as Frankenstein story, she is decided to 'make'her own perfect friend....
This movie is a very different kind of horror. I don't find it creepy, but for sure it is twisted and a little gory. If you want to watch something different, it is very recommended. But if you want a movie with really horror scenes and to feel scared, this is not the best movie for you. ''May'' has some scenes that are not totally explained and some things, like the end, are opened to debate. (By the way, the end of the movie made me stay with a big question mark in my head. I didn't get it until now and it was one of the reasons I didn't give a bigger rate)
Ps: I like Anna Faris' character very much! :)
When May gets to know Adam, a guy she was attracted to (specially by his hands!) and tries to start a relationship, it doesn't work. He finds her strange, in the end of the romance. Even her lesbian co-worker Polly, who were always flirting with her, disappoints May after some time( not to mention other relationships and people she gets eventually to know). May learns that humans are not perfect, only some 'parts'(literally!) of them are. And as Frankenstein story, she is decided to 'make'her own perfect friend....
This movie is a very different kind of horror. I don't find it creepy, but for sure it is twisted and a little gory. If you want to watch something different, it is very recommended. But if you want a movie with really horror scenes and to feel scared, this is not the best movie for you. ''May'' has some scenes that are not totally explained and some things, like the end, are opened to debate. (By the way, the end of the movie made me stay with a big question mark in my head. I didn't get it until now and it was one of the reasons I didn't give a bigger rate)
Ps: I like Anna Faris' character very much! :)