Don't like Drama's? You do now!
14 April 2007
One night, I was on the couch, looking through my "TMN on demand" movie selections, movies A-Z. Looking for good movies to watch on the movie network is tough, considering you don't know what ones are good/recommended and what ones you should entirely stay away from. I watched all of the ones that fit my taste, and one night, I decided to view the movie "Twelve and Holding", hardly knowing anything about it. I'm not really a fan of dramas at all, the "Family Channel" Disney, pretty much ruined them for me, with these lame drama-comedy's such as MVP and cheap independent cartoon type ones. I decided to give it a chance, because I wasn't really in the mood for any action or horror or Comedy's like I usually was. As soon as it passed the dramatic scenes about a brother tragically loosing his life to a Molotov cocktail, I was absorbed into the fascinating character study and couldn't wait to see what happened next in the tale. Many characters with completely different problems are examined in this story, and it ties together nicely with the main plot. Inspiring and heartbreaking moments with truly remarkable well-acted sequences.

The actors often seemed way to real, to me, and instead of feeling like a total wordplay, the writing style was original and refreshing. There is a good amount of subplots in this coming-of-age story and they are studied with well-written dialog, awkward or funny moments and significant captivating motivational characters. This movie isn't nearly as highly acclaimed as I proposed it was going to be, only one nomination? No Oscar nominations? Nothing!? Surely it deserves more observation on a critical side. Consideration, understanding, the dealing of problems, and temptations are pretty much the four key aspects this movie is tackling and trying to make the viewer take into consideration, but people aren't giving it a fighting chance. Speaking of characters, five strong characters are highlighted in this film. Jeremy Renner, who plays Gus, a mislead need-no-sympathy pathetic man who tries to be a clean role model to a little girl, Zoe Weizenbaum who happens to be one of the other lead characters, playing Malee. Jesse Camacho playing Leonard, who has to deal with his overweight family, one of the more motivational and inspirational characters of the film. He is also overweight, but actually is the one who is trying to take action and loose weight. Conor Donovan, another powerful actor from the film, plays two characters, himself and his much more unapproachable and risk-taking brother. Two strong roles too fill, and he does the job. This film tops off with one of the most emotionally charged and satisfying endings I've seen in a drama since a long time.

Highly recommended.

3/4 Stars
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