"Masquerade" is a movie about wealth and its destructive partner in crime, greed. Meg Tilly is 'Olivia Lawrence', the young rich heiress who seems to have finally found her perfect man, but not everybody is who they appear to be.
Bob Swaim's thriller is very slick and modern, having its share of sex and violence. Yet to his credit, our director allows the film's plot to dot the bulk of the work. The script is well balanced, and contains enough twists to keep its audience guessing.
Topping it all off is Meg Tilly's fine performance. Also starred Rob Lowe, Kim Cattrall, Doug Savant and John Glover. Intriguing.
Saturday, August 8, 1992 - Video
Bob Swaim's thriller is very slick and modern, having its share of sex and violence. Yet to his credit, our director allows the film's plot to dot the bulk of the work. The script is well balanced, and contains enough twists to keep its audience guessing.
Topping it all off is Meg Tilly's fine performance. Also starred Rob Lowe, Kim Cattrall, Doug Savant and John Glover. Intriguing.
Saturday, August 8, 1992 - Video