A fabulous anime
25 October 2007
I disagree with the comment left by 'garfnerkopin97'. Saying that Gainax started leaving its fingerprints on the series near the end makes it sound like production was taken over by them from another team. But the entire series is made by Gainax, so of course it's going to have it's fingerprints all over it. Saying "This series was ruined by poor characterization and by being a Gainax product" doesn't make any sense. It's IS a Gainax product, it couldn't ever be anything else. It's like saying a mate of mine would have been better off if he'd had different parent's. If he's had different parents, he wouldn't be him. Gainax wrote and produced Abenobashi, if someone else did it, it would be something else like Cold Mountine or whatever.

I also hardly think the ending of this anime was "epic". In fact compared to most of the episodes, the last one is pretty calm and collective. I think the subs are better than the dubs, and that the series is funny and fantastic all round. So yeah, I like this anime, but hay, everyone's entitled to their opinions I guess. What do I know, I'm just some guy on the internet.
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