1994 was the year of the Might Morphin Power Rangers, I was only 9 years old and was such a huge fan. I remember the summer of 1995 my friends and our parents took us to see The Might Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie and we thought it was the greatest movie ever made. I know that's sad, but we loved the show and the movie lived up to a great episode with an even better budget. I hadn't seen the movie since '95, but my boyfriend and I went to Target and found this movie on the $5.50 shelf and I grabbed it for old times sake since he was also a Power Rangers fan when he was a kid. We watched it and I have to say that despite how bad it is and how mega cheesy the lines and acting are, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is what it is. It was aimed at kids and was terrific for them, the story was so bad that it was actually good.
The rangers are living their lives in the fast lane, they're sky diving and roller blading, I mean is there anything they can't do? But anyways, all that is put on pause when Zordon warns the rangers of Rita and Zed's evil plan to raise Ivan Ooze. Ivan is planning to take over the world when he shrinks Rita and Zed and is putting all the kids parents under a powerful spell to make them do his bidding. Ivan then visits the command center and destroys it leaving Zordon in bad shape and now the rangers have to save the world on top of saving Zordon and become the powerful ninjas to regain their powers and defeat Ooze.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is extremely silly and cheesy, but I don't know what people were expecting when they watched it that it got such a bad rating. It's one of those movies that is so bad that it's actually good. Although Zordon's face will haunt my dreams for a long time, it was classic the way the "actors" who played the rangers presented their lines, I loved how they would fight and do back flips, yet could say their lines perfectly without sounding out of breath. Also how they replaced certain rangers with people who looked like they were picked out of a kick ball team line. But Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is a classic film I think in a sense and will be a true time capsule of 1995.
The rangers are living their lives in the fast lane, they're sky diving and roller blading, I mean is there anything they can't do? But anyways, all that is put on pause when Zordon warns the rangers of Rita and Zed's evil plan to raise Ivan Ooze. Ivan is planning to take over the world when he shrinks Rita and Zed and is putting all the kids parents under a powerful spell to make them do his bidding. Ivan then visits the command center and destroys it leaving Zordon in bad shape and now the rangers have to save the world on top of saving Zordon and become the powerful ninjas to regain their powers and defeat Ooze.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is extremely silly and cheesy, but I don't know what people were expecting when they watched it that it got such a bad rating. It's one of those movies that is so bad that it's actually good. Although Zordon's face will haunt my dreams for a long time, it was classic the way the "actors" who played the rangers presented their lines, I loved how they would fight and do back flips, yet could say their lines perfectly without sounding out of breath. Also how they replaced certain rangers with people who looked like they were picked out of a kick ball team line. But Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is a classic film I think in a sense and will be a true time capsule of 1995.