Jerome Bixby's "The Man from Earth" stands proudly among the best science fiction films ever made. However, unlike "2001", "CE3K" and "Blade Runner," this little movie relies not on outstanding set design and mind-blowing visual effects, but rather on ideas; the very foundation of science fiction.
I've been a fan of Mr. Bixby's ever since "Star Trek", and I must say this equals if not surpasses "Mirror, "Mirror". I agree that some of the acting was stilted, and the music partially drowned out dialogue in one scene, but my family and I were mesmerized throughout. As to my personal beliefs regarding God and faith; "Man from Earth" in no way offended me, but rather challenged me. Challenged me with historical facts (several of which I've since checked online, and thus far, all of which appear 100% accurate.) This is a chess game of a film, forcing the viewer not only to listen and to think, but to understand.
I highly recommend "Man from Earth" to any and all who love intelligent science fiction. A friend downloaded the film, illegally no doubt. I've watched it three times thus far, and I'll be the first in line to buy the DVD (legally =) this coming Tuesday.
I've been a fan of Mr. Bixby's ever since "Star Trek", and I must say this equals if not surpasses "Mirror, "Mirror". I agree that some of the acting was stilted, and the music partially drowned out dialogue in one scene, but my family and I were mesmerized throughout. As to my personal beliefs regarding God and faith; "Man from Earth" in no way offended me, but rather challenged me. Challenged me with historical facts (several of which I've since checked online, and thus far, all of which appear 100% accurate.) This is a chess game of a film, forcing the viewer not only to listen and to think, but to understand.
I highly recommend "Man from Earth" to any and all who love intelligent science fiction. A friend downloaded the film, illegally no doubt. I've watched it three times thus far, and I'll be the first in line to buy the DVD (legally =) this coming Tuesday.