Review of Autopsia

Autopsia (2002 TV Movie)
Very Good Idea
28 November 2007
This TV film missed a big opportunity to become a very good who-dunnit suspense-horror-thriller film. The screenplay is full of possibilities that, in the end, are unexplored. The twists that ARE in there are just too in-the-face. The idea reminds the complex and carefully created Anglo-French Film where Daniel Auteuil gives a masterful performance along Natassja Kinski: The Lost Son. This film handled a parallel theme but with different implications. In Autopsia, the lack of resources is clear (it's a TV film) and the important pieces of the plot are there. The problem is that, in the end, no character gives sense of realism to the film. A pity, since the screenplay could have been a great one, and so could be the film.
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