Review of Flodder

Flodder (1986)
The Beverley Hillbillies goes Dutch.
11 December 2007
I ran this in my cinema..... and for kids! Oh dear!!... in the 80s we used to screen midnight to dawn marathons for teenagers (and younger) who all came, pajama clad and spent the night at the movies. THE FLODDERS was apparently some breakout hit in Holland so for the usual bizarre reason, it was rushed to Australia. So, in the tradition of SEXTETTE, or UNDERSEA KINGDOM, or AT LONG LAST LOVE.... it was plonked into a midnight to dawn show for 'wake me up' value. And eeeeeekkkkk! did it ever.... a never ending stream of vulgar gags about this drunken fornicating spewing bumpkin family who move to a stylish suburb and the skid-marked mayhem they cause. I clearly remember standing at the back of the theater watching from between my fingers as some oaf was fornicating on the bonnet of the family car... when it was revealed - ha-ha- he didn't know it was (wait for it......) his daughter! I ran screaming from my own cinema.
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