I saw Ten Empty at an early screening and I must say, rarely are we afforded a chance to become taken in by such a raw and true story of an Australian family. Anthony Hayes and Brendan Cowell have crafted a complex and indeed unique collection of characters that will resonate with everyone. The fact that they're dysfunctional is nothing new of course, but the filmmakers have tapped into the Australian small town suburban life-cycle with such insight that the set up is fresh and actually very close and true to what most Aussies live everyday. Indeed, the element that really struck me the most while watching Ten Empty was that of its familiarityI know these people, these places, these troublesand even if I have never lived this life fully, I'm propelled into their lives and can't help but connect to who is on the screen. Even though the story deals with difficultiesdysfunctions, death, other issues starting with 'd'Hayes recognises the strength in his characters and this is usually delivered through humour. When things are tough, Aussies have a laugh and then deal with it. This film appeals not only to the dramatic, but the light-hearted and the inclusion of such fine actors as Jack Thompson, Brendan Cowell and Blazey Best helps bring a real warmth and truth to the story. Ten Empty is at times sad, fierce, funny and an ultimately poignant and redeeming two hours of quality Australian cinema.