Buffalo Dreams (2005 TV Movie)
Buffalo Dreams 2005 Disney Original Channel Movie
6 January 2008
My daughter loved this movie she was 5 years old when she first saw it. I want to buy it for her, where can I purchase it at? I would love to purchase this movie however when I went to the website it said it was not available on DVD. I tried every possible search engine to figure out how to buy it, but there was no information on where or how to purchase it. Please let me know how I can buy this movie. It's a great movie and my daughter is now 7 years old and mentioned the movie to me again the other day and asked if I had seen it on TV. She would love to see this movie again. Please let me know when it will be released or where I can purchase it at. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you in advanced your assistance. Marie
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