Archie's Funhouse (1970–1971)
Neil Brian Goldberg wrote the 32 famous Giant Jukebox songs
2 August 2007
I notice the raves about the great songs and messages in the 32 Giant Jukebox songs from Archies Funhouse, but nowhere is the unsung creator of these songs mentioned, so here it is: Mr Factory - We're One Big Family - Love Vibrations - Love Went Round The World - Sweet Saturday Night - Comes The Sun - La La La La Love - The Big Boat - Little By Little, and many others, were all written, arranged, and produced by Neil Brian Goldberg. I knew him. Mr Factory was the first ecology song to make major airwaves, and the other great songs were the first positive messages on kids TV. Thanks for allowing me to let people know the story behind these songs. (Jeff Barry wrote Sugar Sugar, but called in Neil to write and produce all of the Giant Jukebox songs.)
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