Hallmark Hall of Fame (I) (1951–1978)
great show
5 August 2007
This was such a great series in the 50s and 60s and then again in the mid 80s to mid 90s. In particular several actresses really thrived in this series. One in more recent years was Glenn Close in the Sarah Plain and Tall movies, the first two of which were just great. Her current series Damages is excellent, but i prefer Sarah Plain and Tall. Also Greer Garson got to play the Bette Davis role in the Little Foxes and show her less Mrs. Miniver side. She was great. Also she was excellent in Captain Brassbound's Conversion, a great role by a great actress. Both can be seen at the museum of TV and radio in NY. But the one with the longest run in this series was Julie Harris. I have not seen her performance in the Good Fairy, but her performances in The Lark (as Joan of Arc), Pygmalion, Anastasia, Johnny Belinda, Nora in A Doll's House (a performance referred to in Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique) , The Holy Terror (as Florence Nightingale), Victoria Regina as Queen Victoria, and most especially her beautiful work in Little Moon of Alban, are all wonderful performances. No TV actress ever has been able to have an 11 year history of such different, yet all great, roles and performances. We won't see the likes of these again.
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