When we look back 20 years from now at what society was like and we see plastic, awkward and shallow shows like this, what will we think?.
Okay, here was the premise, "hunky" or "sexy" guys date the Mother first to find out about their daughter (they get a choice of three different ones) and during the date ask meaningful questions like "does she wear panties or a thong" and act their way through the awful date (hey money talks dude)...anyway after the dates (often awkward and badly scripted) the Mother go home to their daughters (who are often dressed skanky and cheap and with tons of make up on, people dress like this when they are just at home?) The daughters ask the Mother's dumb and scripted questions ending with "so do you think we will win"? Then at the end they are at some beach or something and the "hunky" guy stands there, while the 3 Mothers arrive first and then the Daughters arrive in cars, the Mother's very, very cringe worthily talk about how much they enjoyed the date and then when rejected have some smart quip or told they missed out or a loser and of course most of the girls come out looking like cheap hookers with fake tan and tons of make up.
Thank You MTV for this, where would we be without you and your superficial "quality" reality TV shows.
oh and the winning girl and the Mom running down the beach is so pathetic must like the whole premise for the show.
Okay, here was the premise, "hunky" or "sexy" guys date the Mother first to find out about their daughter (they get a choice of three different ones) and during the date ask meaningful questions like "does she wear panties or a thong" and act their way through the awful date (hey money talks dude)...anyway after the dates (often awkward and badly scripted) the Mother go home to their daughters (who are often dressed skanky and cheap and with tons of make up on, people dress like this when they are just at home?) The daughters ask the Mother's dumb and scripted questions ending with "so do you think we will win"? Then at the end they are at some beach or something and the "hunky" guy stands there, while the 3 Mothers arrive first and then the Daughters arrive in cars, the Mother's very, very cringe worthily talk about how much they enjoyed the date and then when rejected have some smart quip or told they missed out or a loser and of course most of the girls come out looking like cheap hookers with fake tan and tons of make up.
Thank You MTV for this, where would we be without you and your superficial "quality" reality TV shows.
oh and the winning girl and the Mom running down the beach is so pathetic must like the whole premise for the show.