Review of Waqt

Waqt (1965)
27 August 2007
Waqt was a hugely successful film though the story was pretty normal for the sixties.It was the stylish acting of Raaj Kumar which caught the eye.Sunil Dutt and the rest were not far behind.Balraj Sahani was simply perfect.The music and lyrics are outstanding.Before this film Raaj Kumar was not in much demand but Waqt i think was the turning point in his career.With so many good actors/actresses the film creates a very professional and convincing atmosphere.The direction is first-class especially the romantic scenes and songs.The earthquake construction is weak.Also it is unbelievable that Raju fails to recognize his father when he is caught by him running from the law.The end makes up for the flimsy plot but still it seems contrived.This results in a very average film of its period though the style is refreshing and admirable.
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