but Who's driving this car?
16 September 2007
"Profesor" Karin (Arturo de Cordova) is a fortune teller. He works in conjunction with his assistant Clara (Carmen Montejo), whose job in a hairdresser's helps her to get information about Karin's clients. Clara is also Karin's girlfriend.

One day reading a newspaper Karin learns about the death of a millionaire, Vittorio Romano, leaving an inheritance of millions to his widow Ada Cisneros (Leticia Palma) and his nephew Leon (Ramon Gay). Karin sees something fishy in the business and decides to investigate the story on his own and maybe get his share.

He goes to Vittorio Romano's deathwatch and approaches the widow Ada, insinuating that Vittorio was his client and he knows a lot but he's a discreet man. Karin's fishing in troubled waters, he knows, but the result can be very rewarding from a financial point of view.

Karin notices that Ada (Vittorio's widow) and Leon (the nephew) stick together and the logical conclusion comes to his mind. Ada is afraid and wants to play with Karin, to watch his movements, and maybe....

Now we enter a cat and mouse play. We don't know who's really in control. And the story is somewhat misleading - what looks like a triangle ("Profesor" Karin, Ada Cisneros and Leon) is perhaps a twosome, or even a onesome. Karin thinks that he has everything under control. Has he? He has read Ada's hands and said something like that: "Your hands are beautiful and cruel. You like to crush things with your little teeth".

Ada (the stunning Leticia Palma) is incredibly beautiful and seducing. It's impossible to read her Mona Lisa smile, that bares little teeth that could belong to a hungry tigress. Underneath her ambiguous sweetness there's an iron will and, as Karin rightly diagnoses, the killing accuracy of a guillotine. He's on a game where he thinks he's the master. But who's driving this car? And Leon, what's his real place in this story? And what about Karin's girlfriend, Clara? We have here a psychological thriller told in all its shades and lights. Subtle suspense and sensuality permeate the story that grows to a crescendo till the surprising ending.
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