Highlander (1992–1998)
Firs half of first season ONLY episodes worth watching.
15 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This show started out REALLY good. Just how I remembered it. Duncan and Tessa own and run an antique shop, in an American city, I think Seattle. Richie is introduced in the first couple minutes of episode one, and Duncan drives a bad ass 1950s Thunderbird that he parks in the alley outside the antique shop.

So I'm watching the episodes on the season one DVD set, and they are introducing an entire supporting cast, with special guest stars that have recurring roles. I'm getting to know all these people, like the cop who knows Duncans secret, the slightly annoying, but endearing reporter who doesn't know anything but is suspicious of Duncan...etc. I'm getting to know and love these characters, then all of the sudden, out of nowhere in around the tenth episode, they just pick up and move the whole show to god awful France. It's like, Tess gets some job offer there, and even Richie is like "Wait a minute, we're not talking about picking up and leaving are we? I mean you guys have lives here, and a huge investment. Right?" But that is exactly what they do. Just like that.

The actual production of the show moved there too. So now you have a cast ENTIRELY made up of horrible French actors. Richie is the ONLY American left on the show. Then you have French film crews, cameramen, directors, special effects people, etc. All VERY bad at their jobs. Not to mention the fact that now you have to deal with strong, intolerable French accents from, you guessed it, EVERY person on the show except Richie. And of course, Duncan has an accent, but at least it's supposed to be a Scottish one, even though you can TOTALLY tell he's English and not Scottish.

After around the tenth episode, this show turns into a cheesy French film. And a bad one. Which reminds me, how come it doesn't seem the slightest bit odd to any of these other Highlander fans that French people, in France, would be speaking English ALL the time. Even to each other, when no Americans are around. This is one of the problems I have with ANY movie or TV show taking place in a foreign land. If you're going to watch a foreign film that's one thing. But do it right, get a GOOD one, with a foreign language and subtitles.

Do not watch Highlander the series, except for the first ten or so episodes.
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