Lola Montes (1944)
Has anyone seen this film since the forties?
28 March 2008
Actually I was trying to use 'Update' to correct a couple of errors on this page, but the page advising me to fill in forms had no findable forms. As to my updates: Firstly, the images shown (all the same-- why multiples?) are not from this film, but from the 1955 Max Ophuls release starring Martine Carole. Secondly, the Buy It At Amazon button does go to Amazon, where it displays the cast and credits for this 1944 film, but with 1955 given, and says "Currently unavailable. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock." There doesn't seem to have ever been a video release (readers in Spain please correct me if I'm wrong), so if there's no video there shouldn't be a video listing or a link. Corrections are in order all over!

Happily, I've assembled a number of images from this film and will be sharing them soon.

This was the last film appearance of Conchita Montenegro, known as 'the Spanish Joan Crawford' during the 30s. She was a star of significant stature, so one would expect some sort of video to be in release! Anyone?

Update: I see there's been another review-- but alas, the user had only seen the Ophuls "Lola", though without realizing that the star wasn't Montenegro.
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