Nerdcore Rising is a new documentary focusing on MC Frontalot's first tour. Nerdcore, for those who don't live on the internet, is an offshoot of hip hop that focuses on topics nerds enjoy. Collectable card games, video games, Star Wars, science and science fiction are all topics covered quickly (and apparently from a thesaurus) by MC Frontalot. Frontalot is widely considered the father of Nerdcore, and is the focus of the documentary. The movie is very enjoyable, mostly because MC Frontalot and his band mates are hilarious and fun to watch. The music is interesting, and not at all as gimmicky and worn out as it might seem from the description. The whole act could've come across as a silly novelty, but Frontalot very obviously takes it seriously, and produces interesting and quality music instead of some silly beat with Star Trek samples over it. I highly recommend the film if you are interested in Nerdcore or if you think the idea of it is interesting. I suppose the movie might be less interesting if you don't get at least some of the references or you don't find dorky humor entertaining, but it's enjoyable without catering just to nerds.