I'm going very, very far away. To the land of my dreams.
11 May 2008
Khyentse Norbu gives us a simple film that is done with common people. It is the message that is important, not the stars.

Two men go on a journey. They are both after the same thing - dreaming of a better life. One, unfortunately feels that his better life can be had with another man's wife, and the result is tragic. The other dreams of going to America, where he can make more money picking apples that he can as a Government official in Bhutan.

We all search and dream for a better life, and while we are dreaming, we miss the life that is going on all around us at the moment. We focus so much on what could be, we do not appreciate what is.

Norbu's message is a simple Buddhist one. Live for the moment. This story is a perfect illustration and a joy to see.
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