Let me first of all cast a vote against the title. I particularly dislike titling stories by just adding "The" before a relevant words. Horror novels are particularly prone to this, and I think, "So you couldn't think of a proper title, then?" For the most part, this is a moderately predictable suspense thriller, though it has one or two moments which are a little unexpected. Spoiler: the fact that Sophie is, indeed, murdered surprised me. I expected her to be rescued. And the final denouement is nicely realised: the kicker is fairly given away early, but nicely hidden/forgotten until the last moment. All of this was satisfying.
The thing that bugged me were the coincidences, principally that Nathan a) was Calum's son and b) already knew Sophie when Calum recruited him into the plot to murder her. The story would have worked just as well (subject to only minor rewriting), and would have been more credible, if neither of these coincidences had been present.
Oh well. It passed a couple of hours satisfactorily.
The thing that bugged me were the coincidences, principally that Nathan a) was Calum's son and b) already knew Sophie when Calum recruited him into the plot to murder her. The story would have worked just as well (subject to only minor rewriting), and would have been more credible, if neither of these coincidences had been present.
Oh well. It passed a couple of hours satisfactorily.