Death Line (1972)
Mind the Meat
8 June 2008
I saw this film (very likely the cut version which BBC aired) in my very early teens, and all I remember was that it was foul, dark, gritty and... rather slow. But it did leave an impression that stayed with me all these years. Couldn't even pinpoint it, really...

...up until now. After my re-watch, I can say that it's still those four things, but it's also a well-accomplished, genuine '70's shocker. And if you don't mind me saying so, Donald Pleasance does steal the show as the straight-forward, "be annoyed then if you don't like me - I don't care", obnoxiously funny, tea-devouring police inspector Calhoun. I had quite some chuckles with the way he delivered his lines. It's all rather subtle, mind you, as this movie is anything but a comedy.

If this film would have been made these days, it undoubtedly would be up there with the works of Christopher Smith, Michael J. Bassett and Neil Marshall. At least, that's how I feel about it.

For those days - and even up until this day, in my humble opinion - DEATH LINE is pretty damn good & solid. Straightforward story. Vintage shock-feel to it. Capable cast. A good ending that proves sometimes a movie doesn't even have to have a drum-rollin' climax to end it on the right note. And the most surprising thing was that the screenplay has a few moments where it takes the time to learn us a bit about the psychology and emotions of our cannibalistic brute. It tricks you into feeling sorry for him, but witnessing his brutal acts conflict severely with this emotion. A nice touch, that didn't even take up that much of the movie's running time. And the screenplay doesn't even forget that it did that (making you feel something for the villain), as near the end Sharon Gurney's character says one little thing that reminds you of all this. She understood it too.

Speaking of Ms. Gurney: For some reason I really liked her on the screen. What happened to her? As an actress, you cannot fail to notice that she's got what it takes. And then she stopped acting in 1974? Anybody have any info on that, perhaps?

I'm trying hard to look for things that I didn't like, possible big flaws or something, but I just can't find any... I agree that DEATH LINE isn't the world's greatest horror film ever made, but it sure must have hit the mark back in '72. One jump-scare still even worked on me! And the gory make-up effects were pretty darn excellent for that time. But there's only just enough of them in this movie, so don't expect a splatter-fest or anything. Christopher Lee has a fun cameo in it and Donald Pleasance just seems to love pulling his leg in that scene.

Thankfully, DEATH LINE has been restored and fully uncut released on DVD (as RAW MEAT in the US). It deserves a wider recognition, and I'm happy to see it's finally getting it.
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