The Dead Pit (1989)
Well it does feature a pit and the dead so the title is accurate.
22 June 2008
This is not going to be a surprise, but here we have yet another horror movie that had potential, but in the end just cannot deliver all the goods. It has a semi decent story, but there are to many plot holes and unanswered questions. There are zombies in the movie, however, for the most part they are confined to the end. The movie also feels longer than its hour and a half runtime. I mean I just watched the movie "Inferno" and according to its runtime it is over ten minutes longer, but it felt a lot shorter. To the story, it starts out with a confrontation between two doctors at the dead pit of the title. One of the doctors is a tad insane and seemingly doing random experiments with the patients at this insane asylum. Well the one doctor shoots this doctor and instead of reporting the happenings to the authorities he seals the now dead crazy doctor in the basement of this building and you are thinking "why didn't he go to the police"? Because if he did there would not be much of a movie now would there silly. Flash years later and the place is running again and a new patient who is calling herself Jane Doe because of memory loss seems to spark a return of our good doctor from the basement. He is soon out beginning his experiments again with his sights set on revenge of the man who killed him. So that is how the movie progresses, for a bit there I was worried there would not be much time for the zombie attack at the end and that it would be just a small pointless scene, however, I just think the rest of the movie dragged to much because the zombie scene at the end is a bit good. On the whole if this movie was just paced better and they got to the zombies quicker it would have been better, but as it is it is a not all that bad, not all that good movie.
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