It's brilliant, for its feminism
20 January 2008
During the 'dull, meandering' scenes people have mentioned, the film was laying out its politics, which I thought were great. This is the only anime I've seen where characters say it's natural for a man to love a man, or a woman to love a woman. And there's whole lot of cross-dressing and gender-bending going on, which Ginga treats as completely normal. I think this is a great anime for kids, which will counter some of the rigid masculine & feminine gender stereotypes so prevalent in most anime movies.

There's also an interesting treatment of power politics. It's saying political power isn't worth it for its own sake, and it will destroy all who try to achieve it. So, although it's a film about a battle for the dynasty, it's a variation on the old "power corrupts" maxim. Which is, I think, another very positive message.
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