Review of Rambo

Rambo (2008)
Shockingly Awesome
27 January 2008
I have to say, this exceeded any expectations I had for a Rambo film. This is no sad comeback farce, this is the real deal. Sylvester Stallone plays to his strengths, using his age (and mileage) to his advantage as a haunted old bulwark. There's no oiled-up posturing or sad old man-boobs on display. The drama's quick and to the point. Rambo maybe speaks 50 words throughout.

Gone is the ridiculous action hero of Rambo 2 or 3, gunning down hundreds of bad guys alone atop a hill without cover. This Rambo sticks to stealth and surprise, and he has allies that are both memorable and competent, which is nice for a change.

I will also say Rambo has the most consistent and realistic gore you've ever seen. You could call it over-the-top, but really I think it's just as close to real as you'll get. Limbs get blown off, heads get sheared, children are killed on-camera. It's all in your face, not as exploitation, but simply illustrating what it really means to rain lead upon a human being.

Let's not kid ourselves, this isn't the film to end war, and in the end, it's a kick-ass action movie. It does exhibit some conscience without hitting you over the head with it. Burma really is one of the prime shames of the human race, and I'm glad to see this movie bring attention to it.

I feel so happy that Stallone could pull of such a great movie. He really does care about this character and this movie, and it shows. If you don't like heap big explodo, this ain't your flick. But if you like action, it's a can't-miss. Seriously!
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