Pure brilliance
29 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie yesterday at the official premiere at the Rotterdam Film Festival in Holland. I didn't know anything beforehand, and i was blown away. The film is a strange mix; it includes romantic elements, horror. Kisses and love, but also blood and death. And it's told in a straightforward manner, as if this all was very normal and like every film is made like this.

I don't wanna give too much away, but in involves falling in love with a vampire. Highly original.

Beautiful style and cinematography. Every shot was gorgeous. Shame about the music, which was too attention grabbing and melodramatic.

The child actors were very good. Also in the minor parts.

I never before saw a child covered with blood. And kissing. And yes, it's disturbing sometimes, but no, this is no exploitation. It's heartfelt and beautiful. I don't know the book on which this is based. Probably, if you're from Sweden, know the book and envisioned it for yourself, it will be different.
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