Tun Men se mo (1994)
Decent Thriller
28 February 2008
Tun Men se mo (The Rapist) (1994)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Cat. III Hong Kong film about a serial killer being tracked down by police. The basic premise of this film isn't too original but the film does manage to remain interesting throughout. The best moments are the final twenty minutes when the rapist is in jail being questioned by the police. The director wanted to get inside the mind of a rapist and these scenes work very well. I'm not too familiar with Hong Kong films but I was told Cat. III films were the "most graphic" yet this one here wasn't all that bad. The rape scenes contained more nudity than what you'd find in an American film but this here never crossed into exploitation like so many films here. The biggest problem is the rather weak direction, which never really gets a good pace going.
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