Say what you will....
4 March 2008
But Janice Dickinson deserves credit, parlaying her former success as a top model in the 1970s and 1980's, into this show.

She is giving the models tough love, because as she says, the industry is the coldest hardest roughest thing you will ever do: she is preparing them for what is to come.

There are of course, some scenes over the top. i.e. when Janice is in Miami, graciously hooking up models with top agents in South Beach. She doesn't want them drinking, which makes professional sense, but maybe if she toned it down a bit she would garner an even wider audience.

An intriguing show, worth watching for Janice. She is a strong personality, and a survivor. This is the only reality type show i would ever even think of recommending. Good entertainment. Go Janice!. 8/10.
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