"Queen of the Jungle" (1935) tells the story of Joan who drifted in a balloon across Africa when she was a child, was found by the tribe called Lion Men and became their queen. 20 years later, she is discovered by David, an old friend, and he tries to bring her back to her parents although she does not even remember who they were. Naturally, it becomes a long, dangerous journey through the jungle with countless enemies. Divided into 12 chapters, each one ends of course with a cliffhanger that keeps you watching the next part. "Queen of the Jungle" suffers technically from the fact that it used a lot of footage from the 1922 silent movie production "The Jungle Goddess" which runs at double speed which makes it obviously not fit well. But as an action adventure, it is rather nice, featuring lions, leopards, crocodiles and an evil high priest who has a lot of the mysterious element radium to hide. Those were the days when people thought anything radioactive glows like a torch and can be hold in your bare hands. Nostalgic fun, but nothing extraordinary.