The Scifi Channel, does tend show a below par intelligence when making their descions. Purcahsing/creating movies with laughable storyline plots. Their descions to cancel popular shows, and keep lamer less thought out shows, are a continuous mystery to me. Because these same suits oddly are responsible for also making/purchasing great movies and shows like 'Tinman' 'Lexx' and 'Farscape'.
However; when you factor in Scifi Channel is a subsidiary of NBC, all is made clear. NBC isn't know for making a great number of hit shows, itself. There are a limited number, of exceptions, like 'House'.
Yet, As an example of the wisdom of NBC's Board. In a colossal moment of shear stupidity, only rivaled by Coke's 'New Coke' fiasco. They decided they're few hits, give them the right to dictate separate rates for their programs on iTines. Not sure which is the dumber move, going down this path or being too stupid to admit they were wrong in the first place.
But back to topic, do you actually expect to find better programming scripts or show descions by these men... I think this is the best they are able to come up with. Any hits they my have are flukes, explained by the same theory that says a room full of chimpanzees can type out a copy of the Constitution, given enough time.
However; when you factor in Scifi Channel is a subsidiary of NBC, all is made clear. NBC isn't know for making a great number of hit shows, itself. There are a limited number, of exceptions, like 'House'.
Yet, As an example of the wisdom of NBC's Board. In a colossal moment of shear stupidity, only rivaled by Coke's 'New Coke' fiasco. They decided they're few hits, give them the right to dictate separate rates for their programs on iTines. Not sure which is the dumber move, going down this path or being too stupid to admit they were wrong in the first place.
But back to topic, do you actually expect to find better programming scripts or show descions by these men... I think this is the best they are able to come up with. Any hits they my have are flukes, explained by the same theory that says a room full of chimpanzees can type out a copy of the Constitution, given enough time.