Please stop making these movies
17 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start on a positive note. At least Debbie Rochon has more than 30 seconds of screen time in this sequel... OK... That's about it. Wait. Actually the film makers finally realized that with a title with the word "Bloodbath" in the title that they should actually have "BLOOD" in the film! Hopefully you were spared viewing the prequel to this horrible flick. Just in case... YOU NEED BLOOD FOR A BLOODBATH! There's a little bit more in this version, but the effects were amateur at best. Sure, there are some funny parts, but it's hard to figure out if the film makers actually planned the funny parts, or if it's actually soooo bad that you have to laugh... If you like BAD horror movies with a few tits thrown in, then go ahead, rent it. But drink a lot... A lot of the same actors from the first film were in this one. The sad part is that they've gotten worse with time... Case in point. Sheri Lynn. Come on... She either funded this film herself, or is sleeping with someone who did. Her acting is absolutely atrocious. She only has 2 assets, and she doesn't even show them! You get some decent performances from Rachael Robbins, and a couple others, but on the whole, this is just a very low budget film with low budget actors doing low budget acting. Do yourself a favor and just give up on this series. Please. You'll be better off for it.
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