Demonstone (1990)
Entertaining Jan Michael Vincent action movie (with a supernatural twist!)
20 October 2008
This was a pretty decent movie I thought, considering it was really a low-budget action flick. The setting is convincing - the lush, tropical Phillipines. The acting is very good. R. Lee Emery (you've seen him so many times as the Southern-drawling bad guy - like the newer "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" ) is refreshing as Col. Haines in this. He's a good guy for a change! Nancy Everhard is very good as Sharon, a TV reporter who gets possessed by an ancient Chinese monk. She has a nice svelte figure, and her quiet, intelligent persona make her much more interesting than the usual girl/love interest in these kind of action movies. Jan Michael Vincent puts in a decent performance as well. He's neither coked up or drunk in this, which is saying a lot for one of his later movies. Jan must have just gotten out of rehab when he filmed this, because he looks great. This is the gruffer, older JMV, but he's very blonde and in great physical shape (JMV fans, take note of all too brief but really great love scene with Everhard!). It's nice to see him still starring in something like this in the late 80's, getting lots of screen time, before the string of bad sci-fi/erotic films he made in the 90's, in which he appears for only a few minutes. Overall, it's worth a look, especially if you are a JMV fan (like me!).
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