Almost as good as a Jess Franco film
12 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Director/editor/writer/best boy/tea lady Donovan Winter loves him some zoom lens. His camera zooms in and out on various objects as women squeal in delight whilst being serviced by fashionable blonde boy toy Peter (Christopher Matthews). Unfortunately, much of the zooming concentrates on Mr. Matthews derrière, or the derrière of his body double. How can one discuss this politely: the derrière in question is so repulsively spotty, hairy, and bruised that it is a challenge to not avert ones eyes in horror. Frankly, if his sexual partners could see it, they'd probably run screaming from the bedroom, too. Some Like It Sexy (released on US video as Seducer) features the odd bit of interesting location photography, a groovy car with lipstick, and some decent music (including The Foundations Build Me Up Buttercup), but the sight of those blotchy, hirsute cheeks bouncing up and down is more than the heart can bear.
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