Los cachorros (1973)
Freely based on Vargas Llosa's novel
28 November 2008
This movie just draws from Mario Vargas Llosa's novel the name and what happens to the protagonist as a kid.The rest is just the silent (and I mean SILENT) and painful life of this guy as a young man who's life is destroyed: he can't study, he can't have a girlfriend. He only drinks.

Way low budget, but the actors are good (maybe not in this flick, but hey): José Alonso, María Rojo, Helena Rojo... just to name a few. Bad, bad, bad, cinematography, and I'm puzzled that in a certain love scene there is piano music playing "Love is real" by John Lennon, a song that was not written until 1979, eight years after this movie was released.

I'm sure you have better things to do than watch this movie, like, clean your drawers with Q- Tips, or something...
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