Trojan War (1997)
Entertaining for what it is ! A nightmare? I don't think so.
13 December 2008
Oh this was one of my favorite guilty pleasures! I've never been a huge fan of teen sexy comedies like this one, but I have to admit that it totally got my attention when it first came out.

Sure, the situations are very similar if not identical to many Hughes' classics from the 80's but you can't help but feel the late 90's vibe. I mean, the music, the clothing, the vibe.

The lack of the condom in the most important scene is displayed as a problem but be honest guys, who wouldn't like to be in the exact same situation?! Be honest!

Also, the movie displays a battle of morality but it's something I wish would've happened to me back in the time. I mean, having a super sexy but shy love interest, plus having the chance to bang the hottest sexy slut of high school...

Enjoy and remember your funny moments at high school. Don't watch this one otherwise you were a 90's pubert.
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