Yes, this is a low budget film ... but I must say, if you watch this film carefully and with an open mind.. I promise you , you'll enjoy this as much as I did. Old fashioned filming takes place to bring the story of Merlin alive.
Set in the beautiful landscape of North Wales , UK this film is complimented by talented local acting that support Jurgen. The special effects are believable for most part.. if the budget was bigger and the film time scale , greater , I'm sure we would see a great film ... not a very good film.... The horses were lovely to watch. The action scenes were pulled off , well done to those involved!! Can't wait for the sequel!
Set in the beautiful landscape of North Wales , UK this film is complimented by talented local acting that support Jurgen. The special effects are believable for most part.. if the budget was bigger and the film time scale , greater , I'm sure we would see a great film ... not a very good film.... The horses were lovely to watch. The action scenes were pulled off , well done to those involved!! Can't wait for the sequel!