Try to describe,and not use the word statuesque
30 December 2008
I LOVED this movie.We were at best buy,I saw it,and bought it on this simple premise-Patrick Swayze in drag.And it looked like a good movie. So I went home,popped it in,and literally laughed out loud.There's something in this drag queen movies,that makes it almost not offensive.I was afraid it would be bad,(We're Christian)but honestly,I wasn;t offended.

The movie was so good,so sweet,so down right hysterical at times,I almost forgot Patrick swayze was a man.He could have easily blended into our church.

The film starts out With PS and WS getting ready.That scene in itself is hysterical,because we see these rugged,masculine men-Putting on heels and stockings and makeup.WS,at one point,kicks his legs and squeals with delight.

They go to the Drag queen of the year award,WS and PS tie,and ge to go to Hollywood.But when the little"Latin boy in drag is crying"they decide to string him along,and they get stuck in podunk town.

There's a Cameo from Robin Williams thats excellent,And the townswomen are so sweet.and Noxeema(snipes)Befriends a little 4'9,80 pound elderly women.

Cant get any beter than that
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