Four Brothers (2005)
Nice action movie with tension, intrigue and violence
1 July 2008
This film deals with four brothers (Mark Wahlberg , Andre Benjamin, Garret Hedlund and Tyrese Gibson) . They reunite one time their mother (Fionnula Flanagan) has been murdered into a grocery store hold-up . But the happenings aren't as predictable as they might understand . Then , they come to revenge and take the law on their own hands . Meanwhile , Lieutenant Green (Terence Howard) and Lt Detective Towler (Josh Charles) are attempting to resolve the case and track down the killers and the four brothers . The investigation of the killing reveals many suspects and dark activities involving to criminal mobster (Chiwetel Esbofor) and Detroit Councilman (Barry Shakaba ), among others.

The picture packs action-packed , intrigue, thrills , and lots of violence and blood . It's an entertaining and suspenseful story, plenty of twists and unexpected turns . Excellent action scenes with noisy shoot-outs and spectacular car races . Interesting and thrilling script based on Haenry Hathaway's ¨The sons of Katie Elder¨. Cool performances by Mark Wahlberg as tough and hard-edged brother and Terence Howard as good police inspector, among them . Almost all of Mark Wahlberg's lines were improvised , Garrett Hedlund had difficulty improvising his lines, so John Singleton and Mark Wahlberg helped him through it . Furthermore , magnificent secondary cast , such as Sofia Vergara , Kenneth Welsh and Barry Shakaba . Glamorous cinematography by Peter Menzies Jr. and stirring musical score fitting to action by David Arnold . The motion picture was well directed by John Singleton . He's a nice director , his first movies were quite thoughtful and brooding (Boyz in the Hood , Poetic justice , Higher learning), but today he usually makes intelligent action films (Fast and Furious 2 , Baby boy , Shaft). The film will appeal to action lovers buffs and Mark Wahlberg fans . Rating : Better than average . Well catching .
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