A very interesting movie but a twisted plot
8 July 2008
Bare is one of those definitive 80's Brazillian prison movies that really makes you squirm to watch it. The movie revolves around a crooked prison run b y the equally crooked Sylvia,and her straight counterpart,Sandra,who works to put an end to the trachery. An incompetent and sex-crazed nurse stirs the plot,what littl there is of it. Overall,the movie is just sex all around and eventually leads to a great breakout into the streets of Brazil,where the refugee women continue their lives of violence by raping a young boy,killing his parents,and committing numerous sexual murders throughout the city. A young woman who is beat with a whip by Sylvia(Towanda Neal)adds to the dark and twisted plot.Generally,this film was hard to watch and is full to the brim with graphic nudity and sex. All hardcore sex film fans will love this one! Happy viewing!
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