Graduation (2007)
well worth the one dollar rental fee
11 July 2008
most of the movies i rent from red box DVD or DVD express i have come to find are B movies and they are so terribly i wonder how they ever got made into movies. in fact the last four movies i have rented from these places i had to turn off they were just so bad. but finally i got a break this time Graduation was a very entertaining film. The color pallet chosen for this film was excellent. however i was never really sure what year this film took place. all the actors were equally talented no one really stood out as better than anybody else. I also appreciated the fact that i did not have to keep seeing laptop computers every five minutes with the apple logo on it. in fact not once did i see any computers in this film. i would have liked to see what happened to the mom in this film who was sick all the time

i highly recommend this film to anyone
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